COVID-19 WORSHIP GUIDELINES (Effective June 26, 2021)

New Update: In-Person Mass

Updated: October 21, 2021

COVID-19 Worship Guidelines Update Effective
June 26-27, 2021

In light of the color tier system being lifted by the State of California, the following are modifications of previously recommended liturgical practices. Although most of the state’s legal mandates are being lifted, we must continue to adhere to recommendations from the CDC and local health officials for the safety of our people.


There is no longer a government restriction on the capacity for indoor services, provided there is adequate ventilation. Tape and signage promoting social distancing have been removed.

Masks and Social Distancing

If you have been vaccinated, you do not need to wear a mask indoors. However, non-vaccinated persons, including minors, must wear masks indoors. If Mass is outdoors no one needs to wear a mask.


The cleaning of commonly touched surfaces is reduced but still maintained. Hand sanitizer is still available at all entrances. We continue to sanitize generally twice a week and deep clean once a week.

Fonts and Worship Aids

Standing holy water fonts filled with holy water are reintroduced. Single-use worship aids may, once again, be used.


The singing of hymns and acclamations may resume. Small vocal ensembles (choirs) may sing unmasked if all singers are vaccinated and they maintain a distance from each other.


Processions may resume. At this time crucifers and lectors are being added back into the opening and sending processions.

Sign of Peace

The Sign of Peace should still be exchanged without physical contact, except for family members.

Precautions Regarding the Priest

All previous precautions regarding the segregation of hosts for the faithful from the priest’s host are being maintained. An unvaccinated priest should remain masked for the Eucharistic Prayer but may remove the mask while preaching at a distance from the people.

The Eucharist

It is strongly encouraged that the faithful receive Communion in the hand, however, provision should be made so that anyone who wishes to receive on the tongue may do so, from a priest.

We are not authorizing the distribution of the Precious Blood for the time being.

Ministers of communion will remain masked during reception and distribution for the foreseeable future. It is also recommended but not required, that they be vaccinated for their own protection and that of the people.

Communion Vessels will continue to be thoroughly washed after each Mass once they have been purified.

Restoration of the Obligation to Attend Mass

The faithful are encouraged to return to participating in the Sunday Mass if their health permits. Bishop Barber will soon be issuing a Pastoral Letter on the beauty and centrality of the Eucharist in our lives. The lifting of the dispensation from the Sunday Mass Obligation will come into force on Sunday, August 15th, the Solemnity of the Assumption. The usual dispensations allowed by canon law will be explained in the bishop’s letter.


Gatherings before and after Mass are safer outdoors. Taking people’s temperature is not required or necessary.

At this time altar servers may be reintroduced, following re-training regarding changes and with written permission from parents acknowledging the risks associated.

For more information please contact our office manager Mary Hengl at (925) 922-6131 or email her at

Kelsey Szenderski