Social Concerns
"Whatsoever you do to
the least of my brethren,
that you do unto me."
— Matthew 25:40
The Social Concerns Committee (SCC)
is the Primary Outreach Ministry of St Charles.
Its Role is to:
Educate parish members about global and local social needs, justice, and respect-of-life issues;
Encourage parishioners to take an active role in the relief of poverty and other social ills by giving direct service and financial support;
Provide specific opportunities for parish-wide participation in annual outreach projects: Lenten Collections, Backpack Project, and Christmas Giving Tree;
Manage and carefully distribute the parish's tithing funds.* LIST OF RECIPIENTS, 2020-2023
It has been a longstanding value and tradition at St. Charles to set aside 5% of plate income each year for outreach. 4.5% is managed by the Social Concerns Committee and disbursed in the form of one-time or quarterly grants to non-profits serving those on the margins, and .5% is managed by the pastor for short-term emergency needs of individuals.
Grant funds are formally requested by a parish sponsor, reviewed by an SCC subcommittee, and normally distributed in November of each year. To request a form for the next grant cycle, please contact the SCC chairpersons listed below.
Community Outreach Activities and Partners
Supported by
SCC Members/Parish Volunteers:
Catholic Charities East Bay
Day-old food collection (“Golden Retrievers”)
Goodness Village
Habitat for Humanity
Interfaith Housing, Inc.
Interfaith Interconnect
Kids Bike Lane
Open Heart Kitchen
Local food pantries
St. Anthony's and St. Vincent de Paul Dining Rooms
Tri-Valley Haven
Meeting and Activities Schedule – All are Welcome!
Lent: Staff the Lenten Collections tables after Masses and distribute collections to recipient agencies
July-August: CISSP Backpack sales, filling, sorting, and distribution
November-December: Giving Tree gift collection, sorting, gift distribution.
All parishioners are welcome to join our next committee meeting, which is
Monday, April 21, 2025, at 7:00 p.m. in the Pope room.
Contact Us:
Co-Chair Marcia Elchesen, 925-321-0730,
Co-Chair Mary Fair, 925-454-9919,