Social Concerns


 "Whatsoever you do to
the least of my brethren,
that you do unto me."
— Matthew 25:40


The Social Concerns Committee (SCC)
is the Primary Outreach Ministry of St Charles.

Its Role is to:

  • Educate parish members about global and local social needs, justice, and respect-of-life issues;

  • Encourage parishioners to take an active role in the relief of poverty and other social ills by giving direct service and financial support;

  • Provide specific opportunities for parish-wide participation in annual outreach projects: Lenten Collections, Backpack Project, and Christmas Giving Tree;

  • Manage and carefully distribute the parish's tithing funds.* LIST OF RECIPIENTS, 2020-2023

It has been a longstanding value and tradition at St. Charles to set aside 5% of plate income each year for outreach. 4.5% is managed by the Social Concerns Committee and disbursed in the form of one-time or quarterly grants to non-profits serving those on the margins, and .5% is managed by the pastor for short-term emergency needs of individuals.

Grant funds are formally requested by a parish sponsor, reviewed by an SCC subcommittee, and normally distributed in November of each year. To request a form for the next grant cycle, please contact the SCC chairpersons listed below.


Community Outreach Activities and Partners
Supported by
SCC Members/Parish Volunteers:

  • Catholic Charities East Bay

  • Day-old food collection (“Golden Retrievers”)

  • Goodness Village

  • Habitat for Humanity

  • Interfaith Housing, Inc.

  • Interfaith Interconnect

  • Kids Bike Lane

  • Open Heart Kitchen

  • Local food pantries

  • St. Anthony's and St. Vincent de Paul Dining Rooms

  • Tri-Valley Haven

 Meeting and Activities Schedule – All are Welcome!

Lent: Staff the Lenten Collections tables after Masses and distribute collections to recipient agencies

July-August: CISSP Backpack sales, filling, sorting, and distribution

November-December: Giving Tree gift collection, sorting, gift distribution.

All parishioners are welcome to join our next committee meeting, which is
Monday, April 21, 2025, at 7:00 p.m. in the Pope room.

 Contact Us:

Co-Chair Marcia Elchesen, 925-321-0730,

Co-Chair Mary Fair, 925-454-9919,
