Youth Ministry
6th—12th Grade
What is Youth Ministry?
Youth Ministry is a phrase that umbrellas many events, activities, and group meetings taking place with the parish. The audience is young people in middle school through high school. It is a welcoming environment that seeks to integrate young people into the larger life of the parish community and the Catholic faith. It is important to note that weekly gatherings are just a part of what this ministry offers, as the year is packed with fun and meaningful activities that can be found in retreats, justice and service projects, social gatherings, music teams, and many other community-building opportunities. The gatherings and events are age-specific, always interactive and community-based, and are meant to help our youth grow in faith. YM is a team of the young, and young at heart, working together to draw closer to Christ and our community.
Youth are always welcome to bring friends!
grades 6th-8th
Middle School
Class begins September 11, 2024
Wednesday Nights, 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Borromeo Hall
Program Coordinator: Amanda Swinkels amanda@stcharlesborromeo.org 925-447-4549 ext. 118
grades 9th-12th
High School
Class begins September 16, 2024
Monday Nights, 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Borromeo Hall
Program Coordinator: Kristina Mena
HSYM@stcharlesborromeo.org 925-447-4549 ext. 117
Parent Orientation, Tuesday, August 27, 7:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. in the Pope Room
Classes begin:
Confirmation Year 2 - Sept. 8, 2024
Confirmation Year 1 - Sept. 15, 2024
Sunday Mornings, 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m., Pope Room
Program Coordinator: Katie Mageeney-Breneman
youthconfirmation@stcharlesborromeo.org 925-447-4549 ext. 117
Rite of Christian Initiation for Teens (RCIT)
Program Coordinator: Deacon Dave deacondave@stcharlesborromeo.org / 925-447-4549 ext. 115
SEEN Middle School Youth Ministry (MSYM) is where tweens and teens come to grow in community and communion with Jesus Christ. At Seen they will know that God sees them in full, knows them in their entirety, and loves them endlessly. Through games, talks, and projects youth will get to explore their own faith in Jesus Christ, their place here as parishioners of St. Charles Borromeo, and as Catholics in today’s modern age. Seen MSYM is a safe, inclusive, welcoming space for youth in all stages of faith development, whether they’re just learning about who Jesus is or they are well on their way to confirmation class once they hit high school. Feel free to bring a friend, bring a snack, and bring your questions!
Our High School Youth Ministry (HSYM) is our weekly gathering of our highschoolers to be in communion with one another and with Christ. It is a time to reflect, to pray, to listen, to laugh, to eat, to play: to be. Ministry is not one dimensional and the needs of teens are also not one dimensional. We aim through small groups, activities, games, prayer, formation, recreation, and both adult and teen leadership to make High School Youth Ministry a safe space filled with good people who can come together for just a small amount of time and embrace the realities of what being a Catholic actually looks like to take it out to the everyday.
Not a place where…but a people who…A YOUTH WHO!
Our Confirmation program is a process that takes at the least 2 years. It is broken down into two parts, Confirmation 1 and Confirmation 2. Each part is about a year with requirements that are to be met for the year to be applicable. These requirements are to call the candidate to a deeper relationship with Christ and the Catholic Church. Classes/gatherings, retreats, interviews, reflections, and service projects are some examples that the candidate will participate in during the program. Classes meet once per month and focus on learning and understanding the call of the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Year 1 Goal: Share and practice their personal faith; learn, review, and apply the Catholic faith to their everyday lives, and build their own relationship with Jesus Christ.
Year 2 Goal: Engage and discuss deeper understanding of the Catholic faith, accept the call to discipleship past Confirmation, and find community in the Catholic Church.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Teens in Middle School & High School, who have not been baptized or baptized in another denomination or baptized, uncatechized Catholics, and desire initiation into the Catholic Church, can enroll in the Teen's Catechumenate.
Requirements: Teens entering RCIT preparation must have 1-year prior participation in Faith Formation Program and concurrent enrollment during Year 2 in grade level Faith Formation class. Teens must attend Faith Formation classes regularly and must attend a minimum of 75% of the classes to be counted for Year 1. If already baptized, a copy of the child's baptismal certificate is also required.
Teens will participate in 6 Sunday Sacrament Program with Deacon Dave.
For more information on the program contact Carmela carmela@stcharlesborromeo.org.

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