USCCB on the Sexual Abuse of Children

We are a Church made up of broken humans. We are reminded of it in our recent history and we are reminded by the media. Abuse is always devastating. Its repercussions obliterate the physical, spiritual, and mental health of its victims and its ripple affect wreaks havoc on spiritual lives of many.
While scars are permanent, we must continue to work towards creating a path of healing, and a foundation of transparency and accountability so that we can become a beacon of refuge to restore our universal Church.
We believe the prevention & eradication of sexual abuse begins at the local level and with every individual person. St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church, with direction from the Diocese of Oakland, requires ongoing education about child sexual abuse, how it is inflicted, how to report it, and strategies for prevention for every active adult in the parish.
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church complies with diocesan laws regarding safe environment. This law requires all clergy, staff, and volunteers working with minors and at-risk adults to maintain a safe environment at all times and be certified through the risk retention program – Virtus Safe Environment Training every 3 years. All individuals are required to have updated fingerprinting and certifications before they can begin their ministry.
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) on the Sexual Abuse of Children
1. For Parents
Anyone wishing to report an allegation of sexual misconduct by a clergy member or any diocesan employee should contact the local authority, i.e. Police or Sheriff department and the Chancellor for the Diocese of Oakland:
Mr. Stephen A. Wilcox
Chancellor & Victims Assistance Coordinator
Diocese of Oakland
2121 Harrison St., Suite 100
Oakland, California 94612-3778
(510) 267-8334
Survivor Advocacy
(510) 267-8373
Visit the Diocesan website for the Procedures for Reporting Sexual Misconduct.
Email us at