how do i give?
3 Ways to Give
Giving FAQs
Q: Why do we give?
A: Christian stewardship is an act of giving as a response to God’s initial giving to us.
God created us and gave us life in the first place. Hence, even our choosing to become Catholic Christians is part of our returning and giving that human life back to God by following Jesus Christ. Because we owe our very lives to our creator God, giving is by nature not optional - the giving of our time, talent, and treasure is at the center of Christian modus operandi. If you give, it is because God has already blessed you!
Here at Saint Charles, God has gone further than giving us life: we have this faith community that guarantees continual nourishment for our lives.
Q: What does our giving support?
A: From our Sunday plate collections, we give:
4.5% – to charitable organizations in Livermore, the Tri-Valley, within the two counties in the Oakland Diocese, nationally and internationally.
12.5% – to the Diocese of Oakland to pay for our share of taxes, benefits, insurance, etc.
PLEASE NOTE: No portion of our Sunday plate collections or offerings is utilized by the diocese to settle cases of clergy sexual misconduct.
Over 80% of the Sunday plate collections fund our numerous ministries, which are grouped into three pillar areas that every Christian church needs to exist:
Faith formation for both children and adults;
Liturgy (Worship and Music);
Living in service out-reach and in-reach to “others” in need.
From this same fund, we also provide the resources, supplies, equipment, and personnel for these three areas and for administration, and the maintenance of our facilities, grounds, and equipment.
Q: how do I set up repeat giving?
A: Visit our Manage Repeat Giving page to set up repeat giving.
Feel free to contact our office :
(925) 447-4549 or
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Online Donations
Giving just got easier at St. Charles Borromeo. We’ve recently upgraded our donation platform to make giving easier and more secure. You can give a single gift, or schedule recurring giving using your checking account, debit, or credit card.