Our Motto
“Not a place where, but a people who...”
St. Charles Borromeo parish was a “people who…” long before it settled into its home on Lomitas Avenue. The founding members came together to create a unique Catholic Community, its beginnings not unlike the early Christians who broke bread in homes and cared for the needs of the poor. That compassion continues to be the heart of St. Charles today. The community is often described by new members and visitors as the most welcoming Catholic church they have ever experienced.
Our world is a very different place today than it was in 1964 when the parish was founded. Young adults may find themselves isolated because of their professional responsibilities. Some families can barely keep up with the pace of activities. Many of us care not only for our children, but for aging parents as well. And the amount of information available to our children through technology can be overwhelming. In the midst of these modern stresses stand the people of St. Charles Borromeo who are deeply committed to finding solace and support in their faith. Through a strong commitment to Christ, we are a people who know that we are stronger and happier together than we are alone. Our mission is to bring the gospel of peace to Livermore and beyond.
What We Believe
Christ calls us to embrace everyone as he did: active and returning Catholics, married or divorced, single, non-Catholic, gay and straight, rich and poor, and people of many cultures.
We must engage our faith in every aspect of our lives.
We have a responsibility to create an environment where people can grow to spiritual maturity.
Families are the first church. We are committed to guide parents in the art of spiritual leadership.
Our youth are not only our future but our present, and they deserve our care, guidance, and commitment.
Community service does not just apply to Catholics. We take the gospel of service to Livermore.
We are our brother’s and sister’s keeper. Five cents of every dollar collected is dedicated to needs outside of the parish.
Those who are not with us physically are still members of our community and deserve our care: the homebound, the elderly and infirm, the hospitalized, and caregivers.

Our History
A victory story of how spreading the message of Christ’s love triumphed over lack of a permanent church home.
Who is St. Charles Borromeo?
A man who cared about people and wanted them to know that the Church of God cared about them, too.
Our Staff
Feel free to contact our clergy or staff, as we will be pleased to provide answers to your questions…